2 things are in the wishlist of most of our users:
A better emoji selector box in the message editor: with a search box and no captions (so many icons can be shown per row) and a scrollbar (currently only 5 are shown). Maybe with an additional comma-separated per-icon search terms configurable by admin.
A special page where users can see all emoji that are currently available on the website, their codes, and with click-and-copy possibility.
What if we add a small button to the toolbox so that when it is clicked, the : is typed automatically and a simple full list of all emoji icons is output in a scrolled area?
Users keep asking “how do I embed smiles” even with a very detailed FAQ topic about it.
Yes, that’s what I keep telling them, but they simply do not understand that some piece of code is converted into an image - in Ukraine the computer education is falling back
What’s more, the hardest part for them is to discover the way to let the popup show different set of icons. The problem is that they do not know / use English letters at all, so it’s difficult for them to guess what they should type. They’d rather pick by a mouse in a big list. But they do not understand how to do it.
Sorry not trying to be annoying… Just explaining the case in detail. It annoys me as well but I can’t tackle it even by linking them to a 3rd party website. They just want "a button to insert an image, just like they do to insert images in their posts).
Related, I kind of want us to convert emoji unicode codes to images when you bake posts… that way when I am on my iPhone / iPad I can simply switch to the emoji keyboard and type away.
I think we should try to do this if its technically simple enough, not critical for 1.2 though
I do also agree an “emoji” toolbarry thing with much cleaner browse functionality would be awesome. Also not critical for 1.2 but very useful. Finding the right emoji now is
@meglio, not sure if this will help your users, but you can use the Composer Help Window Plugin, I just finished.
That will at least add a button your users can click, and you can have the content of that window show the “common” smilies that they can copy and paste.
Could emojis show their original size, instead of the standard size? Just like photo collection. I also got complaints about its not showing two custom emojis.