Enable a CDN for your Discourse

Hello, Will this be necessary for a forum that will not be launched globally?

In most of cases no. But at same time it depends how big is a local are and how good are connections.

In USA CDN is quite good option but in Europe not so much.

Is possible to integrate the CDN on post images, like using S3 but with local (good one) storage?

I mean changing URLs on post images for CDN one’s :slight_smile:

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That’s what this topic describes doing. You need to rebake your posts for it to apply to existing posts.

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Oh, I see! :grimacing: What can be causing that images didn’t get updated?

I tried rebuilding, CDN addresses and images are working OK but Discourse just chose the default path and not CDN ones.

(I’m not using or selecting ‘use images with S3’ related options)

If you click the wrench and rebuild html, you’ll see that the post now refers to the CDN.

Then you can rebake all the posts with images Rebake all posts matching a pattern

Hi. Before I mess with all of this stuff, is the OP from 2014 still accurate? Also, I see Fastly is recommended. I can’t check at this moment, but do they have a good privacy policy and not collect data? Privacy is key for me.

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That should be good. :+1:

I can’t answer that question, but I would say that if Discourse recommends it, that would be a good hint it can be trusted (to some extent)

Feel free to dig into their privacy page when you can: Privacy Policy

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