Discourse AI - AI Bot

Honestly @Falco / @RBoy I am not sure Gemini 1.0 is workable at all at the moment, tool support is just too much of a problem, I think we need to wait on Gemini 1.5

Recommend Claude 3 Haiku or GPT 3.5 for a low cost model.

Example from Gemini:

  "generationConfig": {},
  "contents": [
      "role": "user",
      "parts": {
        "text": "You are a helpful Discourse assistant.\nYou _understand_ and **generate** Discourse Markdown.\nYou live in a Discourse Forum Message.\n\nYou live in the forum with the URL: https://l.discourse\nThe title of your site: Sam's Dev Machine\nThe description is: \nThe participants in this conversation are: gemini_bot, sam\nThe date now is: 2024-03-21 00:27:45 UTC, much has changed since you were trained.\n\nYou were trained on OLD data, lean on search to get up to date information about this forum\nWhen searching try to SIMPLIFY search terms\nDiscourse search joins all terms with AND. Reduce and simplify terms to find more results.\n\nYou were trained on OLD data, lean on search to get up to date information from the web"
      "role": "model",
      "parts": {
        "text": "Ok."
      "role": "user",
      "parts": {
        "text": "tell me more about ai bot"
      "role": "model",
      "parts": {
        "functionCall": {
          "name": "search",
          "args": {
            "search_query": "ai bot"
      "role": "function",
      "parts": {
        "functionResponse": {
          "name": "search",
          "response": {
            "content": "{\"column_names\":[\"title\",\"url\",\"username\",\"excerpt\",\"created\",\"category\",\"likes\",\"topic_views\",\"topic_likes\",\"topic_replies\"],\"rows\":[[\"Creating custom AI Bot personas\",\"/t/creating-custom-ai-bot-personas/277961/1\",\"pfaffman\",\"How do you select personas? and what are personas vs ai bot enabled chat commands ? \\nSpecifically, how do you do this?\",\"2023-09-05T16:12:47.710Z\",\"feature\",1,0,35,11],[\"Enable AI Bot\",\"/t/enable-ai-bot/266012/1\",\"sam\",\"This topic covers the configuration of AI Bot module of the \\u003ca href=\\\"https://meta.discourse.org/t/discourse-ai/259214\\\" rel=\\\"noopener nofollow ugc\\\"\\u003eDiscourse AI \\u003c/a\\u003e plugin. \\n\\u003ca name=\\\"overview-1\\\" class=\\\"anchor\\\" href=\\\"#overview-1\\\"\\u003e\\u003c/a\\u003eOverview\\nThe AI Bot is a chatbot that allows for direct integration with generative AI powered by OpenAI (ChatGPT), Anthropic (Claude), Stability AI (Stable Diffusion) and others! \\n\\n[AI Bot walkthrough] \\n\\u003ca name=\\\"features-2\\\" class=\\\"anchor\\\" href=\\\"#features-2\\\"\\u003e\\u003c/a\\u003eFeatures\\n\\nAbi\\u0026hellip;\",\"2023-05-24T06:25:09.579Z\",\"admins\",22,0,86,41],[\"AI Bot icon not appearing in header for non-staff\",\"/t/ai-bot-icon-not-appearing-in-header-for-non-staff/277960/1\",\"MarcP\",\"I think adding groups to AI chatbot setting, does not display the button when they have access to the AI bot. Trust level/admin only gets to see this button in my case.\",\"2023-08-28T01:01:52.205Z\",\"bug\",1,0,16,14],[\"Cannot delete own post anymore\",\"/t/cannot-delete-own-post-anymore/66908/2\",\"sam\",\"Looks like a bug, what is the exact repro?\",\"2017-07-27T22:11:54.316Z\",\"bug\",0,0,11,3],[\"Using personas of AI bot without robot-icon?\",\"/t/using-personas-of-ai-bot-without-robot-icon/285961/1\",\"Jagster\",\"AI bot communicates using PM. But I can see menu for different personas only when used robot-icon on the header. Is there a way to use personas when the icon is disabled? \\nThe actual issue I’m trying to solve out is common layout glitch. My android users are complaining because there isn’t enough ro\\u0026hellip;\",\"2023-11-19T06:48:23.172Z\",\"support\",1,0,2,1],[\"Is there any way to use AI bots while not allowing them access to read all posts?\",\"/t/is-there-any-way-to-use-ai-bots-while-not-allowing-them-access-to-read-all-posts/288649/1\",\"Alon1\",\"I have a non-public Discourse that could potentially hold private information of people. \\nI would love to integrate the AI bots but I’m concerned that it opens up a way for third party AI companies to read all the posts and potentially who knows where it leaks next (or used to train next gen AI…) \\nI\\u0026hellip;\",\"2023-11-15T13:54:07.856Z\",\"support\",3,1,11,1],[\"Deactivating a user causes account to be deleted?\",\"/t/deactivating-a-user-causes-account-to-be-deleted/68642/2\",\"cpradio\",\"There is a setting purge unactivated users grace period days, if an account is still deactivated, has zero posts, and that grace period is met, it deletes the account.\",\"2017-08-23T17:36:38.490Z\",\"support\",3,0,20,14],[\"Navigating AI Bot Rights: Public vs. Restricted Reading\",\"/t/navigating-ai-bot-rights-public-vs-restricted-reading/287086/1\",\"Jagster\",\"I’m a bit (well, a lot…) lost now. What does a trustlevel/group be to allow AI bot read topics? Because sometimes there is no issues and sometimes it refuses to read because it hasn’t rights to do it. \\nOr is this again an user error and I just can’t? Or am I expecting unrealistic things? \\nI asked fr\\u0026hellip;\",\"2023-11-30T15:31:53.419Z\",\"support\",0,0,1,3],[\"\\\"You've notified but they can't see\\\" message pops up too soon\",\"/t/youve-notified-but-they-cant-see-message-pops-up-too-soon/68963/1\",\"barryvan\",\"When replying to a topic in a restricted category, Discourse (very intelligently) shows you a warning if you @-mention someone who won’t be able to see the topic. It does, however, seem to be a little eager in doing so. For example, if you type @christine, it’ll warn you that she can’t participate –\\u0026hellip;\",\"2017-08-29T00:21:37.901Z\",\"bug\",6,0,20,5],[\"Feedback on AI Bot\",\"/t/feedback-on-ai-bot/278149/1\",\"EricGT\",\"Feedback \\n\\n\\nItem: 1 \\nNot a bug but worth a mention. \\n\\nPosted a \\u003ca href=\\\"https://meta.discourse.org/t/list-of-discourse-ai-suggestions/275196\\\" rel=\\\"noopener nofollow ugc\\\"\\u003equestion\\u003c/a\\u003e and the Discourse AI - AI Bot responded. \\nThen wanted to delete the topic (think testing) using the delete button on the first post, \\n[image] \\nReceived this message \\n[image] \\n\\n\\nItem: 2 \\nIf a earlier reply is edited the bot will \\u0026hellip;\",\"2023-08-15T07:58:23.105Z\",\"ux\",1,0,1,0],[\"Enabling AI Bot in Chat\",\"/t/enabling-ai-bot-in-chat/286383/1\",\"Leo_Wong\",\"We would love to have ai bot in the chat function. our user uses Chat heavily .\",\"2023-11-22T09:01:29.131Z\",\"feature\",2,1,30,9],[\"Recover from a very slow database\",\"/t/recover-from-a-very-slow-database/68793/3\",\"sam\",\"Absolutely, I also tried a restore using our UI, both did not correct the issue. \\nRestore using the UI still keeps the database around so it does not correct the underlying issue with the db on disk.\",\"2017-08-25T19:41:37.706Z\",\"sysadmin\",3,0,20,2],[\"Introducing AI Bot 🤖\",\"/t/introducing-ai-bot/283410/1\",\"Saif\",\"Our Discourse AI modules are designed to make your community experience easier, simpler, faster and hopefully, more fun. Today, we’re excited to announce the “AI Bot” module, which uses the power of conversation to help you get any of your questions, suggestions, recommendations, or comments answere\\u0026hellip;\",\"2023-10-25T14:21:33.734Z\",\"blog\",10,0,10,0],[\"AI Bot icon doesn't show up when I enable the AI Bot\",\"/t/ai-bot-icon-doesnt-show-up-when-i-enable-the-ai-bot/286270/1\",\"37Rb\",\"I’ve been trying to follow the instructions here: \\n\\u003ca href=\\\"https://meta.discourse.org/t/enable-ai-bot/266012\\\" class=\\\"onebox\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\" rel=\\\"noopener nofollow ugc\\\"\\u003ehttps://meta.discourse.org/t/enable-ai-bot/266012\\u003c/a\\u003e \\nI’ve enabled the plugin, enabled the AI bot, and enabled the AI helper. I think I have it all configured. But I don’t see the bot icon in the upper right. And I don’t see a helper button in the comp\\u0026hellip;\",\"2023-11-22T00:15:57.523Z\",\"support\",0,0,1,1],[\"Is the AI Bot limited to just staff?\",\"/t/is-the-ai-bot-limited-to-just-staff/278009/1\",\"mk0r\",\"Hi, apologies if this has been answered — do all users have access to this bot to have various conversation threads with? Or is it only admins?\",\"2023-07-05T17:28:52.969Z\",\"support\",1,0,3,1],[\"Organising and accessing a large amount of AI Bot personas\",\"/t/organising-and-accessing-a-large-amount-of-ai-bot-personas/288652/1\",\"EricGT\",\"There are so many personas for the Discourse AI bot that I had to use the scroll bar. \\nSo if you are like me and know the Forum Helper should be there and do not see it, use the scroll bar. I thought it was missing for a moment. \\n[image] \\n[image]\",\"2023-12-11T14:33:04.861Z\",\"ux\",0,0,2,1],[\"Enhance or create a different AI bot to help Discourse developers\",\"/t/enhance-or-create-a-different-ai-bot-to-help-discourse-developers/275922/1\",\"EricGT\",\"While there are hints that the current Discourse AI - AI Bot can help with Discourse developer tasks, it may not have been created for such. As a suggestion enhance the current bot or create a new bot to help with developer tasks. \\n\\nBeing a developer who lacks knowledge of Ruby and some of the other\\u0026hellip;\",\"2023-08-20T13:54:48.920Z\",\"feature\",2,0,2,0],[\"Search Results Limited to 50 each time\",\"/t/search-results-limited-to-50-each-time/34270/12\",\"dmacjam\",\"Here is the pull request resolving this issue: \\u003ca href=\\\"https://github.com/discourse/discourse/pull/4981\\\" class=\\\"inline-onebox-loading\\\" rel=\\\"noopener nofollow ugc\\\"\\u003ehttps://github.com/discourse/discourse/pull/4981\\u003c/a\\u003e  - added infinite loading of search results, in total 10 pages of 50 results are loaded when scrolling which results in 500 search results (not more because of the performance, even Google limits maximum \\u0026hellip;\",\"2017-07-31T12:24:07.042Z\",\"bug\",15,0,64,12],[\"Ai bots have chat enabled but do not support it\",\"/t/ai-bots-have-chat-enabled-but-do-not-support-it/285403/1\",\"RGJ\",\"As i have understood, the current bots provided by the AI plugin are able to talk through PM’s but not through chat. However, they do have chat enabled in their profile, so you can open a chat conversation with them, which they will not respond to. \\n[image]\",\"2023-11-14T09:11:45.338Z\",\"bug\",2,0,3,1],[\"Elections Plugin\",\"/t/elections-plugin/68521/6\",\"NotAfk\",\"very good plugin my bro^^\",\"2017-08-23T21:09:40.529Z\",\"plugin\",1,0,247,100],[\"Category from /new-topic route not displayed in composer\",\"/t/category-from-new-topic-route-not-displayed-in-composer/68790/4\",\"joffreyjaffeux\",\"Fixed by \\n\\u003ca href=\\\"https://github.com/discourse/discourse/commit/296ea6c7b18a83013bf86b8cb65be99b226b72d9\\\" class=\\\"onebox\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\" rel=\\\"noopener nofollow ugc\\\"\\u003ehttps://github.com/discourse/discourse/commit/296ea6c7b18a83013bf86b8cb65be99b226b72d9\\u003c/a\\u003e\",\"2017-08-25T23:47:15.570Z\",\"bug\",5,0,10,2],[\"Add semantic search to the AI Bot\",\"/t/add-semantic-search-to-the-ai-bot/278146/1\",\"bigfudge\",\"I have been playing with the bot and it’s already great. Can I add a voice to enable semantic search? In my experiments so far this would make the bot much smarter, at least on our site. If I compare the results it finds and summarises or answers-using these are much worse than those it would use if\\u0026hellip;\",\"2023-08-17T09:45:55.935Z\",\"feature\",2,0,14,4],[\"Add custom personas to the AI Bot\",\"/t/add-custom-personas-to-the-ai-bot/288644/1\",\"pfaffman\",\"I’ve been following a newsletter that’s making the case for custom prompts to lead learners in conversation. \\u003ca href=\\\"https://www.oneusefulthing.org/p/almost-an-agent-what-gpts-can-do\\\" rel=\\\"noopener nofollow ugc\\\"\\u003eThis entry\\u003c/a\\u003e provides a structured prompt to have the tutor ask what education level the student is, then prompt for the assigment that they are to do (the instructions explicitly tell the AI n\\u0026hellip;\",\"2023-11-08T14:38:00.161Z\",\"feature\",4,1,21,7],[\"Notify group owners when added and removed\",\"/t/notify-group-owners-when-added-and-removed/38387/5\",\"tgxworld\",\"\\u003ca class=\\\"mention\\\" href=\\\"/u/tobiaseigen\\\"\\u003e@tobiaseigen\\u003c/a\\u003e Any thoughts about this? I do see a use case for an automated “welcome to this group” message when adding a group user but like \\u003ca class=\\\"mention\\\" href=\\\"/u/scombs\\\"\\u003e@scombs\\u003c/a\\u003e mentioned, adding/removing group owners is abit of an edge case that can be handled manually via a PM.\",\"2017-08-22T07:45:50.866Z\",\"feature\",2,0,31,9],[\"AI Bot searches appearing in dashboard search logs\",\"/t/ai-bot-searches-appearing-in-dashboard-search-logs/278008/1\",\"sp-jordan-violet\",\"Another bug (in my opinion) is that this both is severely interfering with our search data. I only made a handful of queries (maybe 4-5) and this is some of what it did to our search data for our users. \\nI’ll also likely submit a support ticket for this so our search data for our users isn’t skewed \\u0026hellip;\",\"2023-06-17T19:34:53.167Z\",\"bug\",3,0,10,4],[\"Rebuild hangs on bootstrap error with last update\",\"/t/rebuild-hangs-on-bootstrap-error-with-last-update/68526/2\",\"david\",\"Please scroll up and look for the error message, it might be quite a lot higher. \\nWhat plugins do you have installed?\",\"2017-08-22T10:32:55.058Z\",\"installation\",4,0,8,2],[\"System user replaces wrong URL when it downloads local copy of image\",\"/t/system-user-replaces-wrong-url-when-it-downloads-local-copy-of-image/68487/4\",\"LeoMcA\",\"This looks like that:\",\"2017-08-22T10:27:45.420Z\",\"bug\",0,0,32,16],[\"[PAID] setup ssl - Let's encrypt\",\"/t/paid-setup-ssl-lets-encrypt/68853/2\",\"pfaffman\",\"I’ll be happy to help: \\n\\u003ca href=\\\"https://www.literatecomputing.com/product/discourse-ssl/\\\" class=\\\"onebox\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\" rel=\\\"noopener nofollow ugc\\\"\\u003ehttps://www.literatecomputing.com/product/discourse-ssl/\\u003c/a\\u003e\",\"2017-08-27T10:37:07.934Z\",\"marketplace\",3,0,3,1],[\"Making use of added storage volumes\",\"/t/making-use-of-added-storage-volumes/51060/13\",\"sam\",\"I would also recommend keeping docker images and containers on the volume, it seems to be holding up fine. (also, clearly backups) \\nIts pretty simple you symlink /var/lib/docker to /mnt/volume/whatever\",\"2017-08-25T20:08:59.477Z\",\"hosting\",6,0,33,12],[\"Spaces adjacent to emoji text?\",\"/t/spaces-adjacent-to-emoji-text/67074/9\",\"codinghorror\",\"That is by design. There is no expectation that \\nrandomtext:smile:  \\nshould work… nor \\n:smile:randomtext\",\"2017-07-30T07:47:51.169Z\",\"feature\",4,0,8,7],[\"Disable account confirm emails when creating users via API\",\"/t/disable-account-confirm-emails-when-creating-users-via-api/68663/9\",\"jeffbrowning\",\"Having a similar problem with the “Confirm your new account” email – the PM from discobot is turned off, but users are still receiving the email. It looks like these are different settings. Is there a way to remove the confirmation email?\",\"2017-08-24T18:18:28.760Z\",\"dev\",0,0,26,26],[\"Can the AI Bot automatically title the conversations?\",\"/t/can-the-ai-bot-automatically-title-the-conversations/277987/1\",\"Wleksion\",\"Is it possible to make a system that automatically names the titles of the opened topics? \\nUsers do not pay much attention to these titles, but they are very important for Google.\",\"2023-05-24T21:45:19.722Z\",\"support\",4,0,13,3],[\"Embed Etherpad Lite pads into Discourse\",\"/t/embed-etherpad-lite-pads-into-discourse/42594/4\",\"nicop91\",\"This plugin is great, however I have a small issue : links from my etherpad instances are not detected as pads. \\nInserting the example link works great (link on \\u003ca href=\\\"http://beta.etherpad.org\\\" rel=\\\"noopener nofollow ugc\\\"\\u003ebeta.etherpad.org\\u003c/a\\u003e), but my links are not replaced by the iframe… \\nMy links have the following format : \\n\\u003ca href=\\\"https://sub.composed-domain.fr/p/xo0MvCGYhB\\\" class=\\\"onebox\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\" rel=\\\"noopener nofollow ugc\\\"\\u003ehttps://sub.composed-domain.fr/p/xo\\u0026hellip;\\u003c/a\\u003e\",\"2017-08-22T10:08:53.424Z\",\"plugin\",0,0,23,9],[\"Get basic database table, size and count statistics\",\"/t/get-basic-database-table-size-and-count-statistics/68783/1\",\"sam\",\"The task rake db:stats will print out basic database stats. \\n./launcher enter app\\nrake db:stats \\n\\n\\ntable_name                 | row_estimate | size\\n---------------------------------------------------\\nemail_logs                 | 4027838      | 611 MB\\npost_timings               | 9193590      | 388 M\\u0026hellip;\",\"2017-08-25T14:28:05.960Z\",\"sysadmin\",11,0,13,3],[\"Problem with my SSL certificate\",\"/t/problem-with-my-ssl-certificate/67299/7\",\"craisp\",\"This is the output from rebuilding after compressing js: \\nI, [2017-08-03T08:00:24.170845 #13]  INFO -- : File \\u0026gt; /usr/local/bin/discourse  chmod: +x\\nI, [2017-08-03T08:00:24.174861 #13]  INFO -- : File \\u0026gt; /usr/local/bin/rails  chmod: +x\\nI, [2017-08-03T08:00:24.178919 #13]  INFO -- : File \\u0026gt; /usr/local/b\\u0026hellip;\",\"2017-08-03T08:09:19.278Z\",\"installation\",0,0,12,16],[\"Varnish config for discourse\",\"/t/varnish-config-for-discourse/68575/15\",\"codinghorror\",\"We generally don’t recommend this config because it is quite complicated and does not get you much that a traditional (and far, far simpler) CDN of static assets does not already deliver.\",\"2017-08-23T19:58:54.562Z\",\"hosting\",0,0,14,16],[\"Mailgun secret API key rejected\",\"/t/mailgun-secret-api-key-rejected/61852/11\",\"pfaffman\",\"And you’re sure that you’re using an API key and not a password?\",\"2017-08-16T21:54:18.676Z\",\"support\",2,0,22,17],[\"Facebook Groups - Zuck is coming for us\",\"/t/facebook-groups-zuck-is-coming-for-us/64437/11\",\"Martin_Cash\",\"Very true Sam. What I’ve found, is that anyone in this situation has a fairly unique story to tell. \\nWe have a large independent community on Facebook that we would like to reign-in. I’ve had pressure from various orgs to move these customers off of Facebook and onto our new Discourse platform. Bec\\u0026hellip;\",\"2017-06-24T02:59:16.886Z\",\"community\",5,0,280,48],[\"Importers for large forums\",\"/t/importers-for-large-forums/61681/32\",\"mtawil\",\"Well, Does Intel 16 Core Xeon CPU @ 2.30GHz w/ 64GB of RAM is not enough?\",\"2017-07-24T17:56:15.479Z\",\"announcements\",1,0,82,49],[\"Bootstrap fails on clean CentOS 7 install\",\"/t/bootstrap-fails-on-clean-centos-7-install/68755/3\",\"Dan_Healy\",\"Containers: 0\\n Running: 0\\n Paused: 0\\n Stopped: 0\\nImages: 1\\nServer Version: 17.06.1-ce\\nStorage Driver: overlay\\n Backing Filesystem: xfs\\n Supports d_type: false\\nLogging Driver: json-file\\nCgroup Driver: cgroupfs\\nPlugins:\\n Volume: local\\n Network: bridge host macvlan null overlay\\n Log: awslogs fluentd gc\\u0026hellip;\",\"2017-08-30T22:55:20.838Z\",\"installation\",0,0,9,5]],\"args\":{\"search_query\":\"ai bot\"}}"
  "tools": [
      "function_declarations": [
          "name": "categories",
          "description": "Will list the categories on the current discourse instance, prefer to format with # in front of the category name"
          "name": "search",
          "description": "Will search topics in the current discourse instance, when rendering always prefer to link to the topics you find",
          "parameters": {
            "type": "object",
            "required": [],
            "properties": {
              "search_query": {
                "description": "Specific keywords to search for, space separated (correct bad spelling, remove connector words)",
                "type": "string"
              "user": {
                "description": "Filter search results to this username (only include if user explicitly asks to filter by user)",
                "type": "string"
              "order": {
                "description": "search result order",
                "type": "string",
                "enum": [
              "limit": {
                "description": "limit number of results returned (generally prefer to just keep to default)",
                "type": "integer"
              "max_posts": {
                "description": "maximum number of posts on the topics (topics where lots of people posted)",
                "type": "integer"
              "tags": {
                "description": "list of tags to search for. Use + to join with OR, use , to join with AND",
                "type": "string"
              "category": {
                "description": "category name to filter to",
                "type": "string"
              "before": {
                "description": "only topics created before a specific date YYYY-MM-DD",
                "type": "string"
              "after": {
                "description": "only topics created after a specific date YYYY-MM-DD",
                "type": "string"
              "status": {
                "description": "search for topics in a particular state",
                "type": "string",
                "enum": [
          "name": "read",
          "description": "Will read a topic or a post on this Discourse instance",
          "parameters": {
            "type": "object",
            "required": [
            "properties": {
              "topic_id": {
                "description": "the id of the topic to read",
                "type": "integer"
              "post_number": {
                "description": "the post number to read",
                "type": "integer"
          "name": "tags",
          "description": "Will list the 100 most popular tags on the current discourse instance"
          "name": "google",
          "description": "Will search using Google - global internet search (supports all Google search operators)",
          "parameters": {
            "type": "object",
            "required": [
            "properties": {
              "query": {
                "description": "The search query",
                "type": "string"


    "candidates": [
        "content": {
          "parts": [
              "text": " Here are a few articles on ai bot:\n- [The Rise of the"
          "role": "model"
        "finishReason": "STOP",
        "index": 0,
        "safetyRatings": [
            "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUALLY_EXPLICIT",
            "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE"
            "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH",
            "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE"
            "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT",
            "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE"
            "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS_CONTENT",
            "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE"
    "candidates": [
        "content": {
          "parts": [
              "text": " AI Chatbot](https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2023/02/09/the-rise"
          "role": "model"
        "finishReason": "STOP",
        "index": 0,
        "safetyRatings": [
            "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUALLY_EXPLICIT",
            "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE"
            "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH",
            "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE"
            "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT",
            "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE"
            "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS_CONTENT",
            "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE"
    "candidates": [
        "content": {
          "parts": [
              "text": "-of-the-ai-chatbot/?sh=6fb501227769)\n- [AI Chatbots: What They Are and How They Work](https://www.techtarget.com/searchenterpriseai/definition/AI-chatbot)\n- [How"
          "role": "model"
        "finishReason": "STOP",
        "index": 0,
        "safetyRatings": [
            "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUALLY_EXPLICIT",
            "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE"
            "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH",
            "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE"
            "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT",
            "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE"
            "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS_CONTENT",
            "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE"
    "candidates": [
        "content": {
          "parts": [
              "text": " AI Chatbots Are Transforming Customer Service](https://www.salesforce.com/resources/articles/ai-chatbots/)"
          "role": "model"
        "finishReason": "STOP",
        "index": 0,
        "safetyRatings": [
            "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUALLY_EXPLICIT",
            "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE"
            "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH",
            "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE"
            "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT",
            "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE"
            "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS_CONTENT",
            "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE"

Response is a complete hallucination…