I wish to engage writers to share and get feedback on their work by using points system. And i wonder if Discourse can help me achieve this… I apreciate all replies. Thanks
Heres how im thinking:
The writer posts for example, a poem.
A reader reads the poem - gets points relative to the length of the work. Writes a comment and gets points; also relative to the lengt of the comment.
The writer sees that someone has commented. But the comment is locked. It requires points relative to the length of the comment.
The writer must so earn enough points by reading and commenting on others works to collect points to open comments on his own work…
This will stimulate a lot of learning and experience through the communications…
And of coursethe writers should be able to flag/report comments that are long just for points (obviously pointless or repetitive) and unluck points will be rewarded back to the writer and reward points taken away from the comment writer.)
Best Regards,