Error when logging in using Steam

there is an error in my site when logging by steam
Sorry, there was an error authorizing your account. Please try again.

anyone can help to solve it?

my site


最近配置github和Steam登录时遇到了一个问题:登录后提示抱歉,验证您的帐户时出错。请重试。几经辗转,发现只要在设置里 allowed user api auth redirects ,把github的callback地址加进去,才能正常使用github,steam也是同理。

recently i am setting my site of logging by github or steam, after logging , there was an error of Sorry, there was an error authorizing your account. Please try again, by my searching and help of @honeymoose , finally i found just change the setting allowed user api auth redirects add your github callback url , then it worked!

讨论过程详见 如何在 Discourse 中配置使用 GitHub 登录和创建用户 - Discourse - OSSEZ
you can see our discussion at 如何在 Discourse 中配置使用 GitHub 登录和创建用户 - Discourse - OSSEZ

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根据我的的感觉,还有可能是你的 CDN 配置上面的服务供应商的问题。



有时候需要添加一些特殊的路径到 Discourse 上面。

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