Errors after migrating to a new version (1.9.0.beta3)

It may be more clear

Before, if the translation was not in the file, it was possible to translate through admin area (http://***.ru/admin/customize/site_texts/badges.first_reply_by_email.description)
Now it’s not working. And only those that were translated before.

That is, the data from the table are not displayed?

COPY translation_overrides (id, locale, translation_key, value, created_at, updated_at, compiled_js) FROM stdin;
562	ru	badges.crazy_in_love.description	Used 50 likes in a day 20 times 123454321	2017-07-08 06:24:23.603068	2017-07-08 07:06:06.747101	\N

I specifically 123454321 added to the translation. In the table they came from. On the website they are not.