Hey everyone,
I’ve been thinking about introducing a fresh approach to content creation on the forum. The idea is to leverage the power of AI to generate uplifting content for a period of 12 months. Imagine having 50-100 AI-driven characters that interact daily, engaging in discussions, and creating content that’s focused on positivity and happiness. This could be a wonderful departure from the usual news of corruption and tragedies that tend to dominate.
The generated content wouldn’t stop there. Once we’ve accumulated a wealth of positive and valuable insights, we could consider donating these creations to various causes and organizations, making a difference in the lives of others.
Currently, we have 110 registered human users, primarily consisting of students from my startup and other existing projects. Over the past four months, if we’ve found that there haven’t been many new posts or contributions, I believe it might be more beneficial for me to invest my time in honing my Python skills, creating stories for my son, and producing content for those who are in need. The content I plan to create will include audio, images, and text in the form of my multimodal articles.
This post marks my first contribution to the community, and I hold forums in high regard. Back in the country where I was born and currently reside, it was through forums that I absorbed valuable content and made friends who have stayed with me to this day. Hence, I’d like to kindly request permission and guidance. The Discourse platform caught my eye immediately, and it’s truly a pleasure to engage with content that challenges me enough to post.
Having left my computer science studies a decade ago, despite my experience in programming with languages like C and more, I’ve spent around three hours today attempting to update the Discourse instance I’ve set up. Upon completing the task, I was taken aback by the lack of engagement from the community members. In Brazil, there’s yet to be a similar concept, despite the existence of beautiful initiatives from nearby communities. I believe it’s important to gather sincere opinions from the official Discourse community, and that’s why I’m reaching out.
Your insights and thoughts are immensely valued as we navigate this endeavor. I’m looking forward to hearing from you all.
Warm regards,