Exporting users to a CSV file

:bookmark: This guide explains how to export user information from your Discourse site into a CSV file.

:person_raising_hand: Required user level: Administrator

Exporting user information can be useful for various administrative tasks or data analysis. This guide will walk you through the process of exporting your users’ data to a CSV file.

Exporting user data

Step 1: Access the Users List

  1. Navigate to the Admin panel of your Discourse site
  2. Go to the Users List page at /admin/users/list

Step 2: Initiate the export

  1. On the Users List page, locate and click the “Export Users” button

Step 3: Retrieve the CSV file

  1. After initiating the export, you’ll receive a personal message (PM) containing a download link for the exported CSV file

    :warning: The CSV file download link will expire after 48 hours. Make sure to download it within this timeframe.

Step 4: Download and view the exported data

  1. Click the download link in the PM to obtain the CSV file
  2. Open the CSV file using a spreadsheet application or text editor

The CSV file contains various user information fields, which may include usernames, email addresses, creation dates, and other relevant data.

Best practices

  • Handle the exported data with care, as it may contain sensitive information
  • Use the exported data in compliance with your site’s privacy policy and applicable data protection laws


Q: How often can I export user data?
A: You can export user data as often as needed. However, consider the load on your server and only perform exports when necessary.

Q: Can I customize the fields included in the export?
A: The current export feature includes a predefined set of fields. If you need additional information not included in the export you can create a custom query using the data explorer.

Last edited by @JammyDodger 2024-07-09T06:59:14Z

Last checked by @hugh 2024-07-09T05:02:58Z

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