Extending TOC for Replies so that it is automatically applied

This new feature is brilliant:

However, I’m finding that I have to educate my users to manually add it to replies - this markedly reduces the real world utility of this great feature. It would be very helpful to have it be automatically activated (or at least the option to have it so) in the categories / tags specified.

Of note, it only activates when there are 3 headers in a post, so the risk of it making things messy is actually really low.


I would defenetly vote this if I had any vote left. Because TOC is automated I never remember how to do it manually.

On other side, but this isn’t counter something [1] against this request, but nowadays I start right away new topic in such situations. But that is just because of AI.

  1. I forgot that English word and my iPad still can’t use AI in composer ↩︎