Facebook thumbnail

How do you change the thumbnail on facebook when sharing a post? At the moment a smiley face is shown, even though there is a image on the post

If it’s the first post in a topic, the image should be correct. I don’t even see that emoji in the topic, per your picture. The image in the post is literally the only image in the post, and it’s the first post, so it should definitely work.

It looks correct in the tester here


and here as well

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Aha if you look at revision 1 of the topic there was no image and there was a smile emoji. (click the pencil icon at upper right of the post)

So that facebook post was generated back on revision 1 when the only image in the post… was the smile emoji.

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Go here


And click on scrape again to make Facebook cache bust.


Is it possible to delete the old versions or delete the smile emoji?

That won’t change the Facebook post, it’s cached on Facebook servers, use the debug service to renew the cache. And then create a new Facebook post.

Yeah I did that but the smiley emoji is still coming up

Working fine now:


Is using the first emoji in a post preferable to using some other image, such as the poster’s avatar? I don’t think so.

If there are no other images. So the answer is “put an obvious image in”.

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I don’t think about images when making web pages. I have a site that got 50k “unique visitors” a month in June (as counted by awstats, and up from about half that six months ago) that has zero img tags (and zero javascript, canvas, flash, etc) in the pages that 99% of those visitors are coming for. I have content that people seek out and use without my advertising it.

So, I ask again:

Is using the first emoji in a post preferable to using some other image, such as the poster’s avatar?

We used to use the poster’s avatar. Feel free to re-read the weeks of discussion on that if you like, but I don’t feel like revisiting it.

What search term should I use to find it?

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