Failed to start container after update

I just attempted to update my discourse version using
cd /var/discourse
git pull
./launcher rebuild app

First it was giving me disk space issues, which I resolved using ./launcher cleanup.

However, now I get this error when trying to start the app.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I am NOT a web developer so I know very little about what I’m doing here.

I don’t think I ever manually started the app :thinking:
did ./launcher rebuild app give any error after the cleanup ?

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Yes, it was giving an error when rebuilding. I just tried rebuilding again and get the same error:

Something seems to be using the 80 port:
netstat -plnt | grep 80 ?

Thanks @Benjamin_D.

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well, nginx is running, if you have no use for it, you can stop it
systemctl stop nginx
or even disable it
systemctl disable nginx
so it won’t start next reboot
and then rebuild.

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