Fakebook Theme

Message have problem with this theme.

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Hi @awesomerobot
How can I add topic view after comment number?

Thank you!

I dont know why my forum is lose header menu.

If you open your browser’s web inspector do you see any errors in the console? do you have any other themes/plugins installed? This theme changes a lot, so it’s not going to be compatible with many plugins or other themes/components.


Played around with it for a while and had a blast. Great work. The “categories only” setting is the issue for me as my forum is set up using boxes. Is there a way to make it so the fakebook theme switches a forum to categories only when turned on, as i’m going to let users choose their theme. Or a way we can set different layout options for different themes?

I also noticed the sidebars don’t play nice with most plugins. Kanban, Events, etc. I wonder if moving forward they could become dynamic and so if another plugin wants to use that space they move out the way. Or a low-tech solution could be that they have a little ‘hide’ icon in the corners.


This is great!

Would it be safe to use this theme for a live site and have it work without any errors (the only theme component I am using is the Brand Header component)?

And will it be updated for the foreseeable future? I think this is fantastic.

This is awesome work. Kudos for that.

It seems to be not activated in the following places

For example, I noticed the category descriptions looks scrunched and unappealing with this theme as seen on your demo:

There are a couple live sites already using the theme, if you notice any issues you can report them here and I can get to them when I have the chance. The theme is open source, so any improvements from other developers are also welcome!

Right as mentioned in the original post, this theme only works with the “categories only” category page style (unfortunately the theme previews on our theme creator site can’t set a different category page style).

I’ve had a to-do to add support for other category styles, i’ll try to get to that this week.


Made an update here that adds support for all category page styles


Also working on support for tag pages, should have that ready sometime next week.


I’ve added support for tag topic lists. I had to fix a couple inconsistencies in Discourse itself to support these correctly, so if you’ll also need to update to Discourse today or later to get this update working.



Hi @awesomerobot, comparing this theme to dev.to, is there a way to show all categories listed, rather than within a drop-down menu, on the left-hand side? Furthermore, I remember meta testing out a theme that let users follow categories to fine-tune/specify their activity stream – is this functionality available, and can it be combined with Fakebook?

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Following in the footsteps of this theme’s inspiration, Fakebook now has a modern update!

This new theme is available under the name ‘Fakebook Modern’.

Don’t worry though! Fakebook Classic will still be available for you to enjoy :smile:

As always, if you see something that looks off, just let us know!



Have a problem with fakebook and modern fakebook theme. On the right sidebar. This script should not load to logged out visitors. Is there any idea to load this script only the logged in users? Thank you :slight_smile:

<!-- Custom sidebar widget -->

<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8">
  const ajax = require('discourse/lib/ajax').ajax;

  let currentUser = Discourse.User.currentProp('username');

  api.registerConnectorClass('discovery-below', 'sidebar', {
    setupComponent(args, component) {
      ajax("/u/" + currentUser + "/summary.json").then (function(result){

        stinkinBadges = [];

        userLikesReceived = result.user_summary.likes_received;
        userLikesGiven = result.user_summary.likes_given;


        component.set('userLikesReceived', userLikesReceived);
        component.set('userLikesGiven', userLikesGiven);
        component.set('stinkinBadges', stinkinBadges);
        component.set('userName', api.getCurrentUser().name);
        component.set('user', api.getCurrentUser().username);




The error code is:

Hello again,

I just made it. It works with no errors but can anyone check my code is correct? Thanks :slight_smile:

<!-- Custom sidebar widget -->

<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8">
  const ajax = require('discourse/lib/ajax').ajax;
if(api.getCurrentUser() != null) {
  let currentUser = Discourse.User.currentProp('username');

  api.registerConnectorClass('discovery-below', 'sidebar', {
    setupComponent(args, component) {
      ajax("/u/" + currentUser + "/summary.json").then (function(result){

        stinkinBadges = [];

        userLikesReceived = result.user_summary.likes_received;
        userLikesGiven = result.user_summary.likes_given;


        component.set('userLikesReceived', userLikesReceived);
        component.set('userLikesGiven', userLikesGiven);
        component.set('stinkinBadges', stinkinBadges);
        component.set('userName', api.getCurrentUser().name);
        component.set('user', api.getCurrentUser().username);




need to adjust the position of the title, text and some parts

iPhone 6s

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Create a theme component and add this code to the mobile css.

.regular .container.posts{
    width: 100%;

The other is the cta sign up on desktop css:

    margin: 0;

better to wait for the theme creator to update

That’s why I said create a theme component because you can simple delete it when the theme updated and it’s good until they not update the theme. But if you don’t want to use it in production then wait.

The above issues have been fixed.

@Don thanks for bringing the issue of running this script even though a user wasnt logged in. This has also been fixed.