Feature: Like via email

As part of the MOSS email features outlined here, a RFC for like via email.

Current behaviour: No way to like a post via email
Proposed behaviour: Clicking on a ‘:heart: this post via email’ link in the email will like the post in question automatically.

If logged in: The user is taken directly to the post in question

If logged in as a different user:
The user is taken to a screen with the post in question, and a notice that they have liked it as the email user.

If logged out:
The user is taken to a screen with the post in question, a notice that they have liked it, and a prompt to log in.

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I do not support adding more text here at the bottom of every email. Wouldn’t it make more sense to have a list of commands, listed elsewhere, that advanced users could send by email?


Yes I agree, I would much prefer if we simply support replies with






As methods for liking a post.

This needs to be smart enough to handle locales as well, if the forum is in French then it should support whatever the word is for “Like” in French.

We can get the feature in first and then worry about where to list the commands


I feel it’s a very small group of people who would remember/use them. If we could add some shortcode for key options like “like”, etc into the customizable footer, I’d love to do that on two of my Discourse.

This is just not a feature that I support or want. If you would like to add documentation for the reply commands to the footer of all your site emails that is completely your prerogative, of course.

I don’t understand this. Critiquing the implementation is all good, but if you don’t want or support these things at all, why are they on the roadmap for this grant? Why solicit the community for features that you don’t have any interest in? What are the things you’d actually like someone to build?

I think he’s just not into having instructions in the footer of every email.

I for one am very excited about the idea of the liking by email concept as proposed by @sam above. It’s perfect, and will fit in perfectly with the way our community operates. With a list of commands available on the site somewhere alongside other onboarding info.


We are super protective of adding text to emails. The idea behind the moss grant is to provide better mailing list parity.

If anything, parity is about stripping extra info and adding more expert toggles.

I find the idea of giant email footers very problematic.

As a guide stuff mailing list folk would like is stuff that makes us closer to mailman. exposing real emails (default off), omitting all the footer (default off), omitting context (configurable), an unsubscribe command, a way to subscribe via email and so on,

We want the feature, just not the text in every email that discourse ever sends


I expressed these concerns to @erlend_sh but they were not communicated. Sorry about that.


Cool… are we happy to proceed with the proposed ‘reply with +1’ implementation, then?

I’m happy to do the localization for ‘like’ as well, although I’m thinking sticking with the default language of the forum will be a bit easier to start than dropping to per-user locale there. Maybe we end up supporting ‘like’ in the user’s language and the default forum language?

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I understand including text for the “like” or “+1” feature is not necessary wanted…

… however I mocked up some examples using email limited HTML / css for a project and thought I would share them for reference.


  • that Gmail changes the Unicode heart into a red heart image
  • Reply icon - there isn’t a nice left pointing arrow in the Unicode character set to I went with right pointing.


###Unicode heart manually inserted to avoid Gmail conversion
Might appear like this in other email clients

###As received by Gmail (note converted heart)

###Modified simple text

###Right aligned buttons to simulate in site style
Note that Gmail’s conversion of the heart is difficult to style correctly hight and width wise and still remain consistent in other email clients.

##Right aligned buttons + modified text

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Thanks for the mockups. This is what I had in mind at first as well, but on second thought it might not be that viable.

The template for the email sendout would have to take into account that you can’t like your own posts, so no heart is shown for the posts that are yours. It also (ideally) has to take into account whether you’ve already liked a post before. Combined with the fact that this is a feature primarily designed to appeal to mailing list users, I see now that the like-by-mail option is far more viable.

Even the added complexity of localisation isn’t really that hard, because we could let users add their own approved phrases.

Sorry about the mixed signals @gdpelican!

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but if you wanted additional text, couldn’t you simply use the Text Customize feature of Discourse to add that text for your instance only? Does it really have to be in core?

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No, I don’t think it needs to be in core. People can customize their templates, and if over time someone comes up with a great template that everyone seems to like, we can consider folding it into core.

so, what do we add in our custom footer to have a “click to like” link?

You’d need to implement the functionality for such a feature as a plugin.

In summary:

  • Enough members of the Discourse team want to support replying with “Like” or “+1” as an interface to like the post. I imagine that will be implemented in the near future.

  • It’s a “pro” feature so by default we don’t want to add text to every email. Discourse admins can customize their email templates to let users know if they wish.


I’ve put in a PR for this here:


Further feedback welcome! :pineapple:


Also, @eviltrout mentioned this already but to be totally clear, this doesn’t allow for a ‘click to like’ link to appear in the footer, even with template customization (we’d need to do a little extra implementation, namely exposing or modifying a ‘like this post’ endpoint on the API, to make such a link function.)

A PM or post in the marketplace for a plugin for this would probably pique my interest though :wink:

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Thanks for your work on this! As a user of Asana, I’m used to replying to notification emails with <3, so I was wondering about this feature for Discourse, too.

Would be nice if you may add support for <3 alongside +1. And since some clients auto-correct <3 to either the heart emoji or any of the heart codepoints (U+2764, U+2665 and U+2661, see http://unicodeheart.com/), you may want to support them, too. :slightly_smiling:


That’s a great PR. I did identify some issues but assuming those are sorted this should be fine to accept!