Being able to hide tags is a useful feature in many situations. Use cases have been discussed before, for example here and here.
This feature is implemented through a tag-nameOfTheTag class added to tags <a> links. For example, this is what you get in the tag dropdown of for the markdown tag:
My gut says CSS shouldn’t be used to visually hide valid elements in a form. I am sure I could find docs to support that.
What is your use case? The two you linked two were very different, one was a code change to the tag system, and the other was a CSS solve to a filtering issue. I can’t figure out what your use is, that isn’t solved by staff-only tags.
Thanks @maiki. I will come back later with a detailed answer.
In the meantime, for those landing here in the future, here is a way to implement the feature in a plugin initializer (EDITED 08-18-2017):
import TagChooser from 'discourse/components/tag-chooser'
// Discourse extension to add tag-myTagName class to <li> elements
// See discussion here:
// Implementation based on:
didInsertElement() {
// Call the parent function, in order to actually create the 'select2'
// component
// Get the 'select2' data
const data = this.$().data('select2')
// Add the tag-xxxx class to selection items
// At this stage the selection has already been rendered, so we have to
// actually change the DOM
data.selection.find('a.discourse-tag').each((i, el) => {
const tagClass = $(el).attr('class').match(/(^|\W)tag-\S+/)
// Add the tag-xxxx class to dropdown items
// At this stage the dropdown has not been rendered yet, so we can
// use the 'select2' API
const fn = data.opts.formatResultCssClass || (() => {})
data.opts.formatResultCssClass = (data, container) =>
fn(data, container) + ' tag-' +
As mentioned by @maiki, notice that providing a CSS rule with display:none will only hide the tag, not disable it. A user can still type the name of the hidden tag and have it saved in the topic, even though the tag is never displayed.