Feedback on new šŸ” and user menus

Looks like we can use vh if you can get it to work!

Looks like iOS 7 would be your biggest worry (based on the footnotes).

Maybe, but Iā€™ve got a lot of Javascript right now calculating all the various heights. Iā€™d probably have to remove all that if we used vh.

In the meantime Iā€™ve fixed the scrollbar bug.


thatā€™s true! I can look into it more this weekend and we might be able to get rid of some of that js


I can still reproduce both images in Chrome from

But maybe that wasnā€™t what you were solving?

The positioning on iPhone is still a bit shonky

Able to repro:

And cut off words on scroll

Firefox latest.

Very odd. Itā€™s like the menu scrollbar gets ā€œpushed upā€ when the viewport narrows.

It isnā€™t just mobile safari, observed on Chrome today:

scrolls to this, top bar seems to have totally detached:

And sometimes it stays in place, but slides up a row. Before:


The category list isnā€™t handling wrapping very nicely on our Discourse. We have a few longer category names than here on meta and the new posts count wraps on to the next line when the ellipsis appears.

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Thanks for the profile and logout shortcuts - I really appreciate them. :bear:

Any progress on g, m for messages?

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Easy peasy!


Iā€™ve played around with this a bit. There are some ideas for how to simplify the horizontal positioning here:

Feel free to use them :smile:


Thanks, @eviltrout. Now Iā€™m a happy bear.


Does anyone else think that the entire row for view older notificationsā€¦ link should be clickable instead of just the phrase itself? All the other notification rows in that menu appear to be clickable.

Chrome 44 on Chrome OS




same thing for the logout row? or do you not want to make it THAT easy to log out accidentally? :slight_smile:

loving the new hamburger menu too - thanks for that!

shouldnā€™t the akismet link move up to the admin links? could use an A for the glyph.


ditto. I didnā€™t even realize it had changed (thatā€™s how often I use it). But it does look nice.

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While the grouping is nice, I have 2 complaints about this design.
Keep in mind that I am a simple user. As far as I can see, this is the same menu every user has who logs in . (No Admin/Mod/TL4-stuff)

red: The design looks unbalanced in these two places because of the grouping. Iā€™d suggest either finding another link that can take fill the empty space (at least one - preferrably the top)

blue: Iā€™d suggest that categories - while it may be a legit link - should be styled diferrently. It acts as a header of sorts for the categories below so special styling might be legit.

Filed Under: complaints are pretty much the same a suggestions, right?

Compared to the links in the hamburger, the links in the user profile are quite unnoticeable.

To make it consistent, shouldnā€™t the links in the profile menu be blue too?

Or at least the ā€œProfileā€ link?

And can we get a larger click target for ā€œProfileā€ please?

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