Feedback on new 🍔 and user menus

@eviltrout just deployed the new full height, slide-out-from-the-right hamburger menu.

Try it out and see what you think. We’ll collect feedback here.

  • the “X” should stay fixed no matter where we scroll

  • clicking on the body should dismiss the hamburger

  • Add a delimiting line between some of the items, particularly above Categories

  • A few of the menu items are strongly related and should be in columns on the same line, this will also save a fair bit of space

(two last bullets are inspired by Chrome hamburger menu)


Currently, on Safari (after shift-reload) there’s an always present white thing on the right that covers the hamburger menu button and so on:


On a widescreen, clicking the menu results in the menu being very far to the right of where the user has clicked.


I don’t think that’s avoidable. Here’s me doing ultra-widescreen with three monitors and Ghost.

Also, that’s not a knoife. This is a knoife.


Of course it’s avoidable; it could be full height and pop down from where the actual menu button is. Does being right-aligned with the window add any value by it’s own?


Mmm… is there something going to be added that makes this slide-out menu more worthwhile?

Right now:

  • It takes up a lot more screen space (I switched to height: auto, it looked rather silly full height with a small number of categories on display)
  • Is less responsive: you have to click the X instead of clicking anywhere else, like Chrome’s hamburger menu or the previous hamburger menu, and it slides out relatively slowly
  • It no longer works like the buttons around it, which makes for a kind of surprising UI element, not sure this is desirable

It’s not gonna kill me or anything, but I’m not feeling a lot of upsides to this switch at the moment.


Much better use of screen space is the main reason. We have a lot of stuff to show there, including the full category palette.

NB: Hamburger is actually missing a fair bunch of stuff. How pray tell do you get to /top from Hamburger? psst you can’t

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It’s broken for right-to-left layouts. transform: translateX(330px); pushes the menu in the wrong direction. I just set a PR to fix it.


At a reasonable window width, the top right menu icons are visible in Chrome, but are covered up in Safari. Here’s this topic with Chrome on top and Safari below:


Yes. Just updated to v1.4.0.beta10 +5, and now Safari is broken. Can’t see hamburger menu, or notifications, etc. Help!

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Why is the UX different here than for all the other top-right menus?


It appears that the hamburger menu slide out is set to “slid out” state on Safari without the menu items and unable to slide it back in.

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Another minor annoyance, and this is really nit-picky, is the menu covers the progress bar. So when you are reading a topic, should you open the menu and keep scrolling, you have no idea how far down the topic you really are.


Perhaps we should look again at @rewphus’s proposal to merge the user drop-down with it…


Worth considering, but perhaps adopt the same behavior with notifications and search too?

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I think it makes the most sense to combine hamburger with user since user has basically nothing on it and they are both “rightmost”

I also really like the idea of one less glyph on the screen a lot.


System won’t let me post screen shot. Replace xx’s to see Safari issue on our site.

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You need to use -webkit-transform: translateX (0) and -webkit-transform: translateX (330px) to get it working on Safari

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@sam says Safari fixes were already checked in, so you might want to check GitHub before reporting this any more?

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