Feedback on our instant search experiment

I was wondering what happened. Thought I used the search too much :sweat_smile:

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Maybe not feedback just for instant search, but in the topic of revamping search:

A coup de grace for search would be the ability for admins to somehow define some kind of categorical/hierarchical search result for users. For example, if my user searches for “workflows” then might get a response where the results are grouped like:

Announcements & Blogs (made up of 4 categories):

  • result 1
  • result 2
  • result 3

Community Marketplace (made up of five categories):

  • result 1
  • result 2

Product A discussions:

  • result 1
  • result 2

This would be incredible to achieve rather than just a wall of responses.


If we decide to ship Instant Search, we already plan on defaulting the search to be a multi-type by default, searching posts, topics, users, and chats all at the same time and displaying results organized by type.

This would also unlock what you describe here, which is a side effect of moving search away from generating load on the main database that in turn makes us less hesitant about running speculative searches.

As for everyone else, please make your voice heard around the future of search in Discourse, either you like it or not. We will soon need to make a decision on going forward or not and we appreciate the opinion of people who search on Discourse and what about it that we can make better for all instances.


I just had this thought while reading your response…

It would be amazing if you could forcibly define a search priority for a user group the same way you can forcibly subscribe groups to notifications of categories.

Imagine you have a group of product A customers, so their search results might return (in priority order):

  • Product A announcements
  • Product B announcements (because it’s an upsell to A)
  • Product A marketplace
  • Product A support

But for a group of partners, it might be:

  • Marketplace
  • Announcements
  • Support

I think you get the idea. Being able to define a search priority for user groups would be incredible!

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Interesting concept. We are already using a search prioritization in this experiment, where categories with Search Priority set get their topics/posts bumped a few positions, so extending this to groups would be completely doable.


This is a common concept we use in our search for our parent site above our Discourse community. We do different search rankings based on certain criteria.

I see so much value in translating that concept to our community, too.


Looks great so far.

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Another small hiatus for some tweaking. BRB…


It should be back now.


Hey where can I find the Instant Search here on Meta?

Please give it a test at (doesn’t exist :face_with_monocle: )


It’s disabled for maintenance, should be back tomorrow.


When you search for users, the links in the result often don’t work because the <mark> is added to it. So when you click “Lilly”

the link is which doesn’t work.


Thanks for the report.

Considering this is a time-constrained experiment, some issues like this and others are to be expected, and shouldn’t impact testing the search capabilities and search UX possibilities that the new tech is bringing and giving us feedback if this is something worth pursuing for all Discourse instances. Our time budget for further polishing this experiment is out, so we can’t afford to spend more engineering time here as we have other plates to keep spinning.