Filter a single discourse instance by the domain it is accessed by

I am wondering about the potential for having a single discourse instance that is accessible by multiple subdomains, of which each subdomain only shows a subset of the content. That way there can be one system that scales, and one user registration flow for an entire community ecosystem.

For instance, premium members of our community could get their own subdomain that shows a category created just for them. Or if there is a cluster of unique interest in a community, another subdomain and category could be created.

I understand that the current typical approach to this is just having a single domain for a single discourse instance, then customising category settings for different roles. Which may be a better option than this proposal. Does anyone have any instance of self-elected group/role memberships, or request then approve memberships, such as what had occurred within large Discord servers where members self-elect or appointed roles which give them channel access.

Or just have a different Category ā€œhomepageā€ for each Group of users. Much simpler!

This is a Theme Component so very easy to install and maintain:

Or if you prefer a nice automation, I created a plugin to use your primary group as a way of determining which Category to navigate to: