Flarum to Discourse Migration with users and discussion

Hello Friend,
I am running a forum on flarum platform, plan to move on discourse. We have 2k+ replies and 200 discussions with 3000+ members.

Can give me guide for migration with user who to do it step by step?
I am confuse with what i will do first shift on platform and then migration work or vice versa.

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:

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These may help you to get started:

For reference, here is the Flarum import script:

If you need other people’s help, you can hire someone in Marketplace, with a reasonable budget.


thanks for helping this out. One more thing, all will be happen through SSH access right?

Yes, I believe so. You just need to follow the guides and edit where applicable, and things should go fairly smoothly.

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thanks @NateDhaliwal

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No problem, happy to help!

I am done setup with discourse. But from official website and official hosting. Not from the docker ocean. So where to I can run the script and ssh access.

If you are on the business plan or higher, you can pay for Discourse to migrate it for you. Otherwise, I’m not sure you can.
Ideally, you should self-host for this.


I will look for it.

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I installed the discourse from digital ocean and I follwed the guide. But domain is not connect to main site. Actually i using main domain e.g. xyz.com after setup error is showing is 403. What I need to follow to fix this.

Did you register an A record in your domain that points to the DO droplet’s IP address?

yes I did it

I want to install as example.com, is this possible.

Ok now it working and I fixed through guide.

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I need one more help now site is access but when I register as admin the registration email not working smtp. I registered on mail gun and setup. Can suggest me what i can do first to fix this issue.

Has your domain been verfied in mailgun?
Also, you may want to take this to another topic, like in Support.

yes it showing all verified. but mail gun profile account showing you can’t sent email until verfiy your account.

Then perhaps you should do that.

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My domain is verifed but when yesterday i registered as example.com but in mail gun is showing you can put my.domain.com, right now my site is running on example.com

Question is i seen a smtp email fix offcial guide Troubleshoot email on a new Discourse install
specific about this

Can above this will be issue?

And if you just put example.com in the textbox?
On a separate note, making it on a subdomain would be easier as that’s what most email providers are expecting.

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