Forcing email context - input requested

OK! @sam changed this so the new email context default for all Discourse instances is

  • no “extra” reply context will be shown
  • the email will include the post this was in direct reply to, if it was indeed a direct reply (vs. a @name mention or a blockquote)

You can find this setting in your user prefs:

Include previous replies at the bottom of emails – [never]
Include an excerpt of replied to post in emails – [checked]

So if your argument was


There’s too much stuff in the email, which makes it confusing!

This is win-win because

  1. We now include no extra email context by default, so there’s less to be confused by, but

  2. We always include the thing this post was in reply to, if it was a direct reply

Based on the year long discussion here and elsewhere, I strongly feel this is a better default for Discourse.