I’m trying to setup a fresh installation of Discourse, with a fresh installation of Docker. Never installed either before. I’m trying to do this on an Ubuntu 16.04.3 installation with 2GB of RAM (should be enough from what I’ve gathered).
I want to run this alongside nginx, so I follow the official guide on doing so (the only difference was nginx was already installed and Discourse not set up).
I’ve tried to rebuild it, bootstrap it and reinstall it multiple times to no avail. I’ve searched and found nothing so far that has solved my problem.
The final error message is as follows:
Pups::ExecError: cd /var/www/discourse && bash -c "ln -s /shared/log/rails/{production,production_errors, unicorn.stdout,unicorn.stderr}.log /var/www/discourse/log" failed with return #<Process::Status: pid 6282 exit 1>
Location of failure: /pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:108:in `spawn'
exec failed with the params {"cd"=>"$home", "hook"=>"code", "cmd"=>["git reset --hard", "git clean -f", "git remote se t-branches --add origin master", "git pull", "git fetch origin $version", "git checkout $version", "mkdir -p tmp/pids" , "mkdir -p tmp/sockets", "touch tmp/.gitkeep", "mkdir -p /shared/log/rails", "bash -c \"touch -a /shared/log/rails/{production,production_errors,unicorn.stdout,unicorn.stderr}.log\"", "bash -c \"ln -s /shared/log/rails/{production,production_errors,unicorn.stdout,unicorn.stderr}.log $home/log\"", "bash -c \"mk dir -p /shared/{uploads,backups}\"", "bash -c \"ln -s /shared/{uploads,backups} $home/public\"" , "chown -R discourse:www-data /shared/log/rails /shared/uploads /shared/backups"]}
Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
edit: I should add, I’m not using LetsEncrypt. Docker versions are as follows (from docker version
): Version: 18.01.0-ce API version: 1.35