Fresh install on ubuntu. Missing space on disk

My VPS have 10gb. It’s a fresh 16.04 Ubuntu install. I followed this tutorial :

I got this message after doing the ./discourse-setup command.

You have less than 5GB of free space on the disk where /var/lib/docker is located. You will need more space to continue
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 9.7G 5.1G 4.6G 54% /

I tried the command for cleaning docker images. But I still goot this message. I assume I could upgrade my VPS space. But wow. 10gb is not enough really? … Is there any other way to solve this?

You also need swap, unless your machine has 4GB or more RAM, and that is typically 2GB of space. You will have a bad time if all you have is 10GB of drive to work with. Even the $5/month Digital Ocean plans offer 25GB of disk space.

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Ok then i’ll upgrade!

I am having a similar issue…i am installing Discourse in my local computer with CentOS7 and this is what i am seeing…
Status: Downloaded newer image for discourse/base:2.0.20171231
You have less than 5GB of free space on the disk where /var/lib/docker is located. You will need more space to continue
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda8 9.1G 6.3G 2.4G 73% /

I do have SWAP partition which was 6GB when i was installing the OS just a few days ago.
Can someone help me with a solution to this. I have not installed anything in this OS and have dedicated 80 GB of my hard disk partition to this OS.

Docker, by default, will store images at /var/lib/docker. Your / partition only have 9GB with only 2.4GB available. This can lead to problems, so we warn you before they happen.

You can:

  • Add more space to the / partition, or

  • Move docker image folder to another partition with more free space.

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I am reading online about increasing the size of the partition but it seems risky especially with CentOS. Something to do with the need to comment a partition else the OS will go to emergency mode. I am not that good with commands to know what commenting a partition is so i don’t want to risk damaging the OS…

I ran into this problem with my localhost when setting up a DEV environment in Ubuntu 16.04.

I had to use a fixed drive instead of dynamic, ended up using a 50GB VDI

Update on Missing Space on Disk: Since my hard drive partitions were not LVM, I opted to use GpartedLive on a USB Stick, resized my hard drive after making the stick bootable and rebooted my computer. I only landed on a simple error which needed me to add a colon : in my app.yml file…line 89 which i did and resumed the battle to install this amazing software. All went well for me as it successfully installed. :slight_smile: