Gemini ai bot to draw picture in chat

using the AI bot in chat, could chat with AI with text, but could not draw picture, right ?

A lot to unwrap here :slight_smile:

Gemini will eventually ship a text to image modality. When that happens we will be able to ask it to generate images.

Gemini models all have the image modality for input, so as long as you enable vision on bot and llm it will understand images you paste.

You can then use either Flux or Dall E or stable diffusion to generate images in chat.

So … yes … it can draw a picture via a tool


thanks, Sam, I am using the free tier gemini 2.0 flash for chatting.
it will be nice to enable pic generation for gemini,
when tried in gemini’s chat site, it takes several seconds for generating a pic, not sure if the performance is an issue…, thanks, looking forward to it !

This modality on Gemini is released as of yesterday, it is on our radar