Get a single user by username response limited via Python request

I have been using the following endpoint to get user’s data via username via Python requests.

Recently, I found that the data returned via Python requests is different from entering the same url in the browser.
Here is an example:
Via the browser, I get the complete dataset of the user. If I request the data via Python requests using the same endpoint:

user_url =
user_profile_request = requests.get(user_url)
user_profile = user_profile_request.json()

I get only:

{'user': {'avatar_template': '/user_avatar/{size}/92094_2.png',
          'id': 11498,
          'name': 'Whitt',
          'primary_group_name': 'supporters',
          'profile_hidden': True,
          'title': 'Supporter',
          'username': 'JalopSpecial'}}

This was not the case in the past. Did something change? Appreciate the help! :pray:

Update: I noticed that this is happening only to the specific user. I am not sure if there are settings that are off.