Get Discourse to recognize accounts verified in Wordpress (and WooCommerce) for SSO

I think the verification link is being generated by the Booster for WC plugin. If this is the case, then it’s not something that I’ve tested. The issue that the wp-discourse-woocommerce-support plugin is meant to solve is overriding a login redirect that is set by Woocommerce on every login attempt. I haven’t tested it with Woocommerce recently, but in the past when Woocommerce is installed on a site it prevented non-logged in users from being redirected to Discourse when they attempt to login through WordPress.

The expected bahaviour is that when a user who isn’t logged into WordPress clicks either the login button on Discourse, or an SSO login link that’s been generated below a post that’s been published to Discourse, the user will be taken through the WordPress login process and then redirected to the correct Discourse URL. Let me know if this isn’t working correctly for users who have verified their email address.

It may be possible to get this to work with the verification link your users are clicking, but I think that’s a seperate issue.