GET DiscourseConnect Single Sign On record via APIs


Is it possible to get DiscourseConnect Single Sign On info (username/email) via APIs?
These could be different from the usres’ discourse forum username and email so we need to have the SSO info as well. Since this is available on users’ profile (admin), I thought it might be possible to collect it via APIs as well.

Thank you!

I think you can get the login info by reverse engineering the Discourse API:


Thank you for the solution.
It works but in my case, it’s not efficient. First, I’m using /admin/users/list/all.json?show_emails=true to get the list of users and then one request per user to get the SSO payload. Is it possible to have the sso-payload in the response to the first request? Because then I could get 100 users per request.

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