Get topic title to show in custom hero banner

I have been using router and discovery to create a dynamic hero depending what page is showing, however when i get down to and individual topic page I cannot find a way to pass the topic title to the template.

Is there a way to retrieve the topic title here?

import { inject as service } from "@ember/service";
import Component from "@glimmer/component";
import { defaultHomepage } from "discourse/lib/utilities";

export default class BcnHero extends Component {
  @service router;
  @service discovery;
  get showHero() {
    const { currentRouteName} = this.router;
    const { category  } = this.discovery;

    let categoryName = ""
    let categoryDescription = ""
    if (category) {
      categoryName =
      categoryDescription = category.description

    if (currentRouteName === `discovery.${defaultHomepage()}`) {
      return { homepageHero: true }

    if (currentRouteName === "discovery.category" || currentRouteName.startsWith("topic")) {
      return { dynamicHero: true, title: categoryName, subtitle: categoryDescription }
    return { emptyHero: true }
