Get user's permissions for topic via the API

Is there a more efficient way to get a user’s permissions for a topic than making a request to /t/-/topicId.json? The values I’m interested in are in the details property that’s returned from that request. For example:

details: {
can_edit: true,
notification_level: 3,
notifications_reason_id: 1,
can_move_posts: true,
can_delete: true,
can_remove_allowed_users: true,
can_invite_to: true,
can_invite_via_email: true,
can_create_post: true,
can_reply_as_new_topic: true,

I’m mostly interested in the value of can_create_post. I guess the most efficient way to get that would be to try and create the post on the user’s behalf, then handle any errors that are returned, but that should be a last resort.