I’ve just installed discourse on a new server. Things are going great but now I am getting a popup for 403 error
whenever I try to do perform admin tasks:
- editing user / granting moderator status
The errors in the console log are:
PUT https://discuss.royaleapi.com/admin/users/5/grant_moderation 403
SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
at Function.parse [as parseJSON] (<anonymous>)
Uncaught {jqXHR: {…}, textStatus: "error", errorThrown: "", _discourse_displayed: true}
Also, I am unable to log out for some reason. I have cleared my browser cache and login fresh but still clicking on the logout link does nothing.
For the log out issue I see this in my console:
includes.js?v=xxxxxxxxxx DELETE https://discuss.royaleapi.com/session/sml 403
ember_jquery-xxxxxxx.js:1 Uncaught {jqXHR: {…}, textStatus: "error", errorThrown: ""}
I’ve replaced some of the paths above because I was not sure they are keys or not