Seeing the errors below on incoming SMTP
Version v2.0.0.beta3 +235
Any ideas?
Without seeing the rest of the error details (such as the full and complete e-mail being processed, and the full backtrace), nobody’s going to have much luck fixing this.
This starting happening a day ago. I’m upgrading to the latest commit as we speak. Just wonder if anyone had seen this.
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From: Jose Gomez <<myEmailAddress@redacted.com>>
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Subject: Re: [Epicor Help Forum] [E10] Updateable BAQ
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Regardless this pre processing BPM should only throw an exception don't do the actual updating let epicor do that like normal (if you don't throw an exception then epicors logic will run)
On Mar 6, 2018, at 5:52 PM, Ken Nash <forum@e10help.com<mailto:forum@e10help.com>> wrote:
[https://e10help.com/letter_avatar_proxy/v2/letter/k/ac91a4/45.png] knash<https://e10help.com/u/knash> Ken Nash<https://e10help.com/u/knash>
March 6
ok closer.
Getting a type error on the following line. Is there a trick to do the compare?
if (ttResult.OrderRel_SysRevID == OrdRel.SysRevID)
Error CS0019: Operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'long' and 'byte[]'
foreach (var ttResult in ttResults.Where(row => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.RowMod) && row.RowMod != "P").Select(row => row) )...
Rejection Response:
We're sorry, but your email message to ["forum+57f9c09bf58ee0808f69f419acfccd1b@e10help.com"] (titled Re: [Epicor Help Forum] [E10] Updateable BAQ) didn't work.
There was an unrecognized error while processing your email and it wasn't posted. You should try again, or [contact a staff member](https://e10help.com/about).
Here is the full email (Copy Paste)
Not sure why it thinks that's a byte array.... That's weird
On Mar 6, 2018, at 4:39 PM, Ken Nash <forum@e10help.com> wrote:
knash Ken Nash
March 6
I am going to assume I can do this for OrderRel as well. I am not seeing where the tt is being set and used in the update. It looks like the whole query ds is being processed.
Should I even care about the trace log? I see my change. But I also see the queryDS being sent with more records than I updated.
<paramDataSet name="queryResultDataset" useDataSetNbr="0">
<changedValue tableName="Results" rowState="Modified" rowNum="0" colName="OrderRel_Character02"><![CDATA[hi]]></changedValue>
<paramDataSet name="queryDS" useDataSetNbr="0">
<changedValue tableName="QueryWhereItem" rowState="Added" rowNum="0" colName="Company"><![CDATA[EmbedTek]]></changedValue>
<changedValue tableName="QueryWhereItem" rowState="Added" rowNum="0" colName="QueryID"><![CDATA[ETK_SchedShipments]]></changedValue>
<changedValue tableName="QueryWhereItem" rowState="Added" rowNum="0" colName="SubQueryID"><![CDATA[f740c4f3-ed25-45ba-8373-340d4ac725b7]]></changedValue>
<changedValue tableN....
<changedValue tableName="QueryWhereItem" rowState="Added" rowNum="12" colName="ToTableID"><![CDATA[]]></changedValue>
<changedValue tableName="QueryWhereItem" rowState="Added" rowNum="12" colName="ToFieldName"><![CDATA[]]></changedValue>
<changedValue tableName="QueryWhereItem" rowState="Added" rowNum="12" colName="ToDataType"><![CDATA[]]></changedValue>
<changedValue tableName="QueryWhereItem" rowState="Added" rowNum="12" colName="RValue"><![CDATA[_where-8587318048684276459]]></changedValue>
<changedValue tableName="QueryWhereItem" rowState="Added" rowNum="12" colName="ExtSecurity"><![CDATA[False]]></changedValue>
<changedValue tableName="QueryWhereItem" rowState="Added" rowNum="12" colName="SysRevID"><![CDATA[252276533]]></changedValue>
<changedValue tableName="QueryWhereItem" rowState="Added" rowNum="12" colName="SysRowID"><![CDATA[d937b8f2-98a7-425b-8768-bc54a3cdcdfc]]></changedValue>
<changedValue tableName="QueryWhereItem" rowState="Added" rowNum="12" colName="BitFlag"><![CDATA[0]]></changedValue>
<changedValue tableName="QueryWhereItem" rowState="Added" rowNum="12" colName="RowMod"><![CDATA[]]></changedValue>
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Update to latest, it has been recently fixed
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