Give me some control of how the form template post is styled

In the meantime, I came up with this ugly hack to a) hide “checkbox” answers, and b) display non-textarea questions on the same line (<question?>: <answer>) and c) fix spacing between items

If you’re somewhat familiar with Javascript, you can adapt it to your needs:

(This is to be added in app.yml’s hooks section)

    - exec:
        # Typically here you have the plugin thingies
    - replace:
        filename: /var/www/discourse/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/lib/form-template-validation.js
        from: 'return formattedOutput.join("\n\n");'
        to: |
          const formattedOutput2 = => {
            const key = Object.keys(item)[0];
            const value = item[key];
            const type = formTemplate.find(x => == key).type;
            if (type == 'checkbox') return;
            if ((value) && (type != 'textarea')) return `**${labelMap[key]}**: ${value}`;
            if (value) return`\n### ${labelMap[key]}\n${value}\n`;
          return formattedOutput2.join("\n");

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