Group-Based Category Access Not Working as Expected

I’ve noticed an issue with group-based category visibility, particularly with newer categories. Here’s what’s happening:

  • When I join the Bailiff group, its related categories do not appear on the homepage or category page.
  • Instead, only muted categories are visible.
  • However, when I join another group (Phlebotomists, which was created earlier), both Bailiff’s and Phlebotomists’ categories appear as expected.
  • Bailiff’s categories take longer to show up and only appear when I attempt to scroll down.

Steps I’ve Tried So Far:

  • Manually unmuting one category from TL0, which helped reveal other joined categories.
  • Refreshing the page and waiting, but Bailiff’s categories still took time to load.

Has anyone else encountered a similar issue with newly created categories not appearing immediately for joined groups? Any insights or fixes would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance! :blush:

:video_camera: Here’s a video showing the issue: Loom Video