Group owner, admin or system?

Hi, as an admin, when I create a group, I am by default a member of this group.
But if do not want to remain a member I can remove myself as an admin from this group.
But what happens if I wish users to request to be a member of this group since it has now no owner, to who the request will be sent?

Other question: can the “system” user be a group owner?


You need to either remain as default owner or make a member an Owner. At least if not a free to join group that requires no approval.

Ok can “SYSTEM” be a owner?

If it is not a free to join group. The request to join may not be received.

Otherwise not sure but imagine system or Discobot could be made Owners. But there will be no one to approve join requests.

Just curious if you have no one to be owner. Why make the group if you want members approved to join?

Might be an idea to test. As admin you can add yourself back to the group

Create a test user and try message group for access. Then check if your able to send the join request message. Check your admin account and see if you get notified.

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I want to create a group that users can request to join but I do not want to be a member of this group because I do not have the profile to be a member of this group.

Let’s take an example: as an admin, you create a group name that is “That big company employees”, but yourself as an admin are not an employee of that big company, so no reason to be a member of that group and no reason to give the impression you are an employee of that company. But you need to approve requests to join. So you need to be a member… And so I think we’re going in circles.

Apart if system can be the owner and member of that group, which would pose no problem, remains to see if me the admin I would receive the request to join sent to system. I will try.

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I can understand that concept. However using your example. It would make sense to make one of the company reps an owner.

I do however look forward to hearing how your test goes.

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I resolved to reintegrate the group as group owner. Using system gave me weird results that I have no time debugging.

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