Grouping poll results by user custom field

:bookmark: This guide explains how to break down poll results into different groups using user custom fields. This feature allows you to see how different segments of your community are voting.

:person_raising_hand: Required user level: Administrator

This guide covers:

  • Creating a user custom field
  • Configuring the poll groupable user fields setting
  • Viewing grouped poll results

Creating a user custom field

  1. Navigate to /admin/customize/user_fields
  2. Create a new user custom field

For detailed instructions on creating user custom fields, refer to the guide on creating and configuring custom user fields.

Configuring the poll groupable user fields setting

  1. Go to your site settings

  2. Find the poll groupable user fields setting

  3. Add the name of your user custom field

    :information_source: This is a free input box, so be careful to avoid typos.

Viewing grouped poll results

Once users have filled out the custom field (either at signup or through their profile page), you can view grouped poll results:

  1. Create a poll (see Create a poll that others can vote on for instructions)
  2. After users have voted, click the “Show breakdown” button in the poll results
  3. View the breakdown of results by group

Additional features

  • If you’ve set up multiple user custom fields for grouping, use the dropdown at the top to switch between them
  • Toggle between percentage and count views using the tabs provided


Q: Can I use multiple user custom fields for poll grouping?
A: Yes, you can add multiple fields to the poll groupable user fields setting.

Q: Are users required to fill out these custom fields?
A: That depends on how you’ve configured the user custom field. You can make fields required or optional.

Additional resources

Last edited by @hugh 2024-07-09T11:25:41Z

Last checked by @hugh 2024-07-09T11:25:48Z

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