Have the AI read the first post of a topic


Have the AI read the first post of a topic to make sure

  • It is coherent
  • The category and the tags agree. (I know this can be configured but why not let the AI do it)
  • The content of the post agrees with the category and tags.
  • The content of the post agrees with the title of the post.
  • It is relevant to the forum. (I know spam detectors will catch some of this but sometimes it is not spam and just doesn’t belong)

Users may not use the correct category and/or tags and then ask a question that contradicts or confuses a user trying to answer. It sometimes takes several back and forth replies before it becomes clear the category and/or tags are incorrect.

Also from years on StackExchange sites learned that many users will create a title and then by the time they are done creating the details of the post, the content is not related to the title or does not agree with the title. This to leads to several back and forth replies before it becomes clear the title should be changed.

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