That can’t be. You should be running ./discourse-doctor exactly the same way that you’re running ./discourse-setup. You’re running ./discourse-setup to set the SMTP stuff or are you editing app.yml by hand? Are you rebuilding (or ./launcher destroy app; ./launcher start app after you make changes?
Okay, looks to be sorted now. With Migadu you have to have a matching from header in the email along with authentication. Adding the authentication script above plus going to the Admin settings and setting the from address for all system emails seems to have fixed the problem.
If anyone else has this problem, you have to do the following:
Go to your discourse folder: cd /var/discourse
Add the authentication method to containers/app.yml: DISCOURSE_SMTP_AUTHENTICATION: login
Manually create the admin account in the terminal as you can’t receive the verification email. To do this, you need to do the following: ./launcher enter app followed by rake admin:create then follow the steps presented in the terminal
Finally go to the Admin settings and change the notification email to the email address you’re trying to authenticate against
It would be easier if in the app.yml file you could set your from address, however, I couldn’t find a way to do that.