Hi Guys,
Yes, the old and classic issue with E-Mail (the favorite “tech” of our beloved @codinghorror ). I’m trying to set up another Discourse installation in a totally different context (being that my main one already works and is using Sparkpost) but I can’t, for the life of me, put this to work, after reading all sorts of posts and docs here in Meta, without success, I ask your help.
I’ve tried three different setups: using another machine’s PostFix Installation, trying to use a container with Dockermail (if you have any other that you recommend for this, please forward me) and using gmail itself.
Being that gmail is G-Suite and SMTP is actually supported, I tried with something like this:
DISCOURSE_SMTP_USER_NAME: <user@domain.com>
This seems like an overkill but I already tried with all sorts of options, without them, etc. The closests I’ve been is with gmail and I randomly receive some Registration Confirmation Mails hours later. With the setup as you see it above I get the following:
530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first.
Which to me doesn’t make sense, since I’m already enabling START_TLS right there, am I missing anything?
If I tweak a little (like having the “vanilla setup” with only Address, Port, Enable_Start_TLS, User and Pass I get:
end of file reached
I’ve been trying things for the past few days and I’ve already rebuilt discourse so many times that I can assure that my hatred for mail is surpassing that of Jeff’s. Can someone throw some light into this?
Thanks in advance