Header Submenus

@Canapin’s fork is a result of [PAID] Header Submenus UI modification - marketplace - Discourse Meta. We also find it does what we need.

But definitely don’t try to edit the submenus text in the box. We maintain the menu in a csv file and use this procedure, which is posted in a staff how-to topic:

  • Open the csv file in a spreadsheet app.
  • Edit the data. Generally you can just follow the pattern.
  • Save the csv file.
  • Open the csv file in a text editor.
  • Copy from the text editor and paste into the submenu items box.
  • Upload the csv file with your changes to this topic so it stays in sync.

Also worth noting, you can use some html tags and spaces in the csv to provide more organization and sub-sub-menus, which helps cram a lot of stuff on a phone: