Hello from Gitpod! (installing on google cloud + automated dev setup)

@sam It looks like https://github.com/discourse/discourse/commit/025d4ee91f4727540c749e2162680e1042c34376 broke something.

Contrary to the commit message, I think plugin migrations were working before this commit. They aren’t anymore. It doesn’t matter if the LOAD_PLUGINS=1 is provided or not – plugin migrations aren’t running in my dev environment.

I believe it’s because of this:

--- a/lib/plugin/instance.rb
+++ b/lib/plugin/instance.rb
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ class Plugin::Instance
     Rake.add_rakelib(File.dirname(path) + "/lib/tasks")
     # Automatically include migrations
-    migration_paths = Rails.configuration.paths["db/migrate"]
+    migration_paths = ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths
     migration_paths << File.dirname(path) + "/db/migrate"
     unless Discourse.skip_post_deployment_migrations?