Help us test the new header code!

I’ve taken a first pass at updating Quick Messages to the new header logic

@eviltrout Some issues / questions / thoughts:

  1. Could you break out the avatarImg method from the post widget? It seems to be a useful general way to include avatars in widgets.

  2. It’s a little inconvenient to add new menus to the header widget because the widget contents are wrapped inside html in the render function. I ended up adding the quick message menu itself as another list item after the quick message icon.

    edit I’m probably missing something, but there seems to be a similar issue for the Header Search Plugin. If I insert it after the home-logo widget, i.e. api.decorateWidget('home-logo:after' ... it ends up inside the title element, which leads to conflicts with the home-logo click event…

  3. I’m wondering what the point of having widget events as separate from widget actions is? i.e. when would you use an event instead of an action?

  4. Following your lead with the _notificationsChanged function, I put my observers for messages in the site-header component and then re-rendered all of the header widgets when the observer fires. This pattern doesn’t feel amazing. Thoughts on best practices in this kind of situation?

