I know this is not directly related to Discourse, but since it’s my forum using Discourse, here it is:
I’m trying to make sure that all versions of a URL work and direct people to my forum. Those versions are:
I’m using Cloudflare and I already created a Rule to redirect domains, suggested by ChatGPT (since I’m not an expert), but it’s not working.
Any suggestions of what might be causing this?
This is a subdomain like forum.domain.com, not sure if that’s the issue?
Because if I use the same format, but with the main domain domain.com, it works.
I know this is a very specific scenario, but I would like to make sure that all options in all browser “states” are covered.
I will check this tomorrow, but what I don’t get is that everything works on Chrome and Safari, for example, but in incognito in Chrome, those 2 versions don’t work. So the certificate seems to be working, the one that Cloudflare offers by default. Or am I missing something here?
You see this warning about SSL because the free Universal SSL certificate provided by Cloudflare covers only one subdomain level. It won’t work on www.forum.domain.com.
I think it’s easier to follow the guide in my first message and let discourse/let’s encrypt (for free) handle www.forum..
What you should do:
Remove that page redirection rule
Removes the AAAA DNS record with 100::
If you have an existing DNS record www.forum to an IP, remove it
Creates a CNAME record www.forum to forum.alltiago.comDNS Only (no proxy)
I guess I will have to delete the A record with the name www.forum? If so, what about the other A record?
I will check that. Let’s see if I can follow it…
What’s weird is that for example http://www.forum.alltiago.com works when Chrome is not in incognito, but stops working when it is. www.forum.alltiago.com doesn’t work on any of those.
I didn’t know Discourse comes with a certificate?
What would be the difference in using that vs Let’s Encrypt?
As a starter on everything Discourse, I’m trying to work with what brings less complexity so I don’t get too confused. If Discourse can handle that, awesome. I would still like to understand why pick one over the other, if you don’t mind sharing?
Yes, remove the one with an A record; use CNAME instead.
Just enter your domain in the input, then copy-paste the whole output into your app.yml config file, as I showed you in the screenshot! Be careful with the indentation!
Are you sure Chrome doesn’t automatically remove www, which you overlooked? I don’t see other explanations.
No, no. Discourse uses Let’s Encrypt! Sorry for the confusion. That’s why, you should use it, it’s free and easy.
So I still need to create an account with Let’s Encrypt?
I remember when I was installing Discourse, one of the optional steps at the bottom of the instructions was to install Let’s Encrypt but I haven’t yet. So maybe after all of this is done, which I believe it is now, I should check those instructions, right?