Hide all "about the x category" topics

If you’re curious on the enterprise take (because I know I posted/you responded about this many moons ago), it’s just an inconsistent administrative experience to have a Discourse topic utilized as a category setting, while no other category settings are represented as a Discourse topic. It’s very disjointed (though still very clever!). I also see these About topics renamed, utilized as getting started guides (I do this myself, though only because I’m forced to keep it), etc.

I do understand why and the initial value of utilizing a topic as an existing place to house the topic description. I also see the potential in that same ability, like the discourse-category-sidebars theme component text being housed by a topic.

But from a UX and administrative perspective, I would expect that all of my category settings are simply in one place. Discourse already stores text as a setting within the category, with markdown and all, for the category template. It would be great to see consistency brought to the category in this way.

I hope this gives a bit more insight!

EDIT: If I’m missing value somewhere though that I haven’t seen, point me to it! :rocket: