Hide post contents from search results

Is it possible on the search results page to hide the content of the posts and just leave topic titles?

Use case - typically most topics on my community are about a subject with the first post containing nothing but uploaded images. In search results that looks messy as it displays the uploaded image’s code.

You can hide it by adding some custom CSS (admin > customize > themes)

.fps-topic .blurb {
    display: none;

But keep in mind that it might make some results a little confusing, because there might not be a match for the search term in the title, and you’re hiding the blurb that shows it. (Might not be a problem in your case if most topics are nothing but images, but it could make it a little harder to find replies).

For example, this was a search for “tests” — without the blurb you lose the context for why it’s a result.


That is great, thank you. I will give that a try :+1:

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That is perfect, thank you.

How about also hiding search results whilst using the search modal? I am really struggling with that sadly.