Hiding old plugins, themes and components

Continuing the discussion from Warning about broken and deprecated plugins, components and themes:

Should broken and deprecated plugins, components and themes be hidden from listings? Or should/could we have similar automatic than what WordPress is using when warning if a plugin hasn’t updated in three years?

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We have the broken, deprecated, end-of-life, and unmaintained tags default muted so the topics don’t appear in topic lists unless you interact with the topic (or change the notification level manually), but they are still findable by search so they’re not completely disappeared.

I think I’ve seen a few plugins that haven’t been updated in a number of years, but only because they didn’t need to be and were still working perfectly well. But even if that’s something we wanted to highlight on the plugin topic, we would need some way of pulling the last update date from GitHub.


I’m quite sure I haven’t unmuted those. Or if you guys have changed that behaviour you didn’t let it happend to everyone? I have to re-check my settings.

But if muting is there then it does what I asked.

That unmaintained question as an automatic action would be useful feature, though.


Nope, those tags isn’t muted for me. But that isn’t any issue for me, because I can live with it and I know how tags work, even muting.

That is cool for sure. Wondering though if maybe a suggested idea to color these posts similar to Solved plugin where you can have it highlight the post in Red for unsolved? For when seen using search?

Maybe even a highlight color when merged with core. Took awhile but did figure out quite awhile back had missed Chat being merged with core and it caused me to have some minor downtime.

Alternatively if using bbcode colours. A notice in the Op post top could use a specialize background color or similar customized quote like solved like idea.

Imagine a theme-component could be made that inserts a banner in the top of the Op based on tag as well. So saves editing Op topics