Hiding suspension status from everyone

When a user is suspended, anyone can click on their profile and see that they are suspended. Is it possible that when someone is suspended, their suspension status is not shown to non mods and admins? Also if possible, could this be hidden from mods too, such that only admins can see suspension status when clicking on their profile?

You can easily hide it with CSS, though the information will be available in the browser for those who know to look. To remove it would take a plugin.

Can you say more about why secret suspension is important?


There is the hide suspension reasons setting that will remove it for non-staff users.

As moderators are responsible for user-management, it doesn’t seem like hiding this info from them would be all that useful?


For secret suspensions and hiding from mods, I was just exploring what options I possibly have as I’m not very familiar with how discourse works. So I believe, I need to create a plug-in that would potentially do the job?


I am curious why would you want to hide it from mods? As full site mods typically are the ones issuing the suspension/silence.

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