I’m most certainly surprised…
We’ve had a similar issue with an Activist troll whom had over a dozen sleeper accounts. We initiated approve new user accounts. A pain but has slowed his roll down. We also permitted him to have 1 account that is locked as new user.
Some of the suggested plugins sounds good.
Good to know. In an extreme situation this may be necessary, though.
“Due to abusive accounts being registered via the Opera VPN service, we have been forced to blacklist signups from this service. Please contact [us] with any concerns.”
Can we bring this back on the topic of how to stop someone who’s actively engaging in this behavior instead of debating whether or not VPNs are worth using?
Simple truth there is very little one can do to keep a troll zealot out unfortunately. There is always a way to get around measures taken.
It took about a month and half for our Troll Activist slowed down. Thinking He was running out of VPNs.
A member on our site a while ago did create a java script using is is it TamperMonkey to allow folks to hide annoying users posts and added some extra bling to posts.
I am guessing the code could be used as basis to create a theme component?
Use the ignore function, which is built in. This is how it works. You must achieve TL2 to earn that ability though.
My apology for inquiring how they work, I can see the point of view for being off topic, but you know penicillin was discovered accidentally by someone described as careless, imagine that, it revolutionized modern medicine
Discussing the method of operation for trolls seems relevant, will it help, IDK, that’s why we discuss it, do you have troll issues and existing means for handling them, or an opinion on potential techniques?
Good discussion
The Mute function does work reasonable well. Kopa’s script though added an extra layer by hiding the “annoying user’s” post in a Bar that you could choose to open via a drop down.
Mute prevents notification of bumps and replies from an ignored user. Where as his script would hide their posts to some extent in any topic. His script also added extra info. Like owner of Topic and other goodies.
Here is a link to his script and topic.
I was thinking the same thing.
Why not split the discussion into a new topic or a private message?
So much for those older posts. They disappeared out of thin air…
Agreed often better to split a topic instead of outright deletion.
The two responses above could be considered derailing, not staying on topic, even though they are civilized,but the topic is not effectively defined, its broad, like the Casablanca test you know trolling and derailing when you see it,
Discourse has some great built in features
- Mute option
- PM system
- Warning systems
- User to user flag system
Do we as admin push these?
Some trolls may not in fact be trolls but behaving normal for their culture , should we punish them?
Its a good topic @DrBB and I’m sorry you have the issues, hope we can help , I know I can take from this to help manage my home forum
Agreed. Not to keep with being off topic. But one method we try in our forum is to have the Op own their topic and deem if something is derailing it.
The muting, flagging system works okay to a point. The Script our member Kopa made improves upon the idea by having it hide posts in any topic from a user one finds irritating. Why the script would be a great add on as it improves the mute/ignore function.
I Reccommend reading his post.

have the Op own their topic
I took that a step further and made it a requirement the OP place a DND (do not derail) notice if they want strict enforcement , I wouldn’t at all oppose making the mute actually trim posts down so something like muted comment appears in place of the post rather than just hide notifications, I believe it would be more attractive to users.

But one method we try in our forum is to have the Op own their topic and deem if something is derailing it.
As the OP in question I was finding the VPN discussion somewhat useful in that we were looking at ways to limit the scope of IP repression to the range within which the troll seemed to be operating, and it was helpful getting a sense of the extent to which that might be effective. But I agree that it was starting to become more theoretical than practical.

Discourse has some great built in features
- Mute option
- PM system
- Warning systems
- User to user flag system
Yes, and we’ve implemented all of those on our forum, along with Akismet for catching out and out spammers, and they are all effective for 98% of the stuff we run into. My OP was prompted by what you can do when you’ve got someone who’s on a whole higher level of determination, up to and including making threats of violence over the messaging system. I think the thread has been pretty helpful to me in laying out the possibilities beyond those standard ones, so thanks to everyone for that, as well as the message that there are ultimately no magic bullets on the technical side. I feel pretty confident that we’re not missing something we should know about, and that’s helpful too.
My own philosophy is that engagement is better than high-tech warfare if it can be achieved with someone like this, who is manifestly dealing with demons of a neurochemical nature. We have one member who has been in touch with the guy on a personal level in the past and established herself as something of an ally, so she’s been reaching out to him through side channels. In spite of my rather exasperated comment about incarceration upthread, there’s a real concern for the guy. The site is for Type 1 diabetics, and we’re very worried he may not be getting access to insulin while he’s in this state, so we’re hoping we can find a way to help head off that bad outcome if we possibly can. Even though he’s been such a pain!
In what you describe here having a member whom the individual is responding on a more positive level is key. Often with difficult users it can take time to find a way to reach them. However once successful(if possible) can become very productive members.
This more often requires staff to have a very thick skin. Which is not very easy even for the hardiest of people. Engaging negativity with positivity may help. Taking breaks when needed is also key.

dealing with demons of a neurochemical nature
I feel smarter just reading that

we’re very worried he may not be getting access to insulin
Having my own sugar issues I don’t doubt this as a possibility

requires staff to have a very thick skin
fact, I’m at a level where half my replies never make it to the screen, I write them, then ask if its right
I also have to constantly evaluate my position on who/what I like vs the health of the community,
thick skin and fine lines

My own philosophy is that engagement is better than high-tech warfare
I think this is a very good philosophy, very much aligns with mine. One option you could consider here is PMing this user and asking for a phone call, depending on how much of your public profile is online you could just say … hey, here is a picture of me, would you like to have a phone call to talk about things?
It is easy to be angry at words on a page, but once there is a face and a voice it can be much more difficult to hold a grudge.

PMing this user and asking for a phone call
A troll
maybe use the google voice app
would be daring no doubt

It is easy to be angry at words on a page, but once there is a face and a voice it can be much more difficult to hold a grudge.
Totally agree and I have much experience of this in my day job. We tend to assume we should let systems mediate for us at a distance just because, well, thery’e there, and actual human contact is risky. Handing things over to an algorithm or a Process has become second nature, or first nature actually.

It is easy to be angry at words on a page, but once there is a face and a voice it can be much more difficult to hold a grudge.
We once did this with a community member who would swing between being very helpful and particularly difficult. We scheduled a call (I took it with a colleague), and we ended up talking for close to an hour. Much to our surprise we learned that she used medication against depression and paranoia, and when she was off-meds her behavior would quickly deteriorate. She apologized profusely and suggested that we’d send her a private reminder whenever this happened again. This completely solved the issue and turned her into a loyal supporter.
Of course, this was a scary move, it will not work for all kind of trolls and it does not scale, but I thought the story illustrates that sometimes the situation is not what you think it is - a little ‘real’ contact can really help you understand the issue and find a solution.