Home page for Discourse

I need guidance in setting up the homepage for my Discourse Community which is on a sub domain . How to use Google analytics Code if home page will be on the main domain and Community is on a Subdomain.


To have your categories page display in a different way, re-run your site’s setup wizard by logging into the site, then going to https://forum.example.com/wizard. Click through the setup wizard steps until you get to the “Homepage” step:

On that step, select “Categories and Latest Topics” or any other layout from the dropdown menu, then click the “Finish” button to save your changes :slight_smile:

About Google Analytics, can you see if the following resources meet your needs?


Need a little more support , For setting up google analytics . I have the
1 . tracking ID
2 . Site tracking Code
3 . Tag Manager Codes

Please suggest where to use/paste them ?

Tag Manager codes means Code for the and code for the

Thanks :slight_smile: