Homepage Filter plugin

:information_source: Summary Adds a “Home” discovery page
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link https://github.com/communiteq/discourse-homepage-filter
:open_book: Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse


This plugin adds a Home discovery route at / and /home and sets it to the default home page. The contents of the Home route are the same as Latest, but filtered: it will only show topics where the topic starter belongs to (a) specific group(s).

This plugin was developed for Swapd in order to remove lower quality or spammy topics from their home page, and it was kindly open sourced by @WorldIsMine .

The route will only appear on the Home page and not on category or tag pages. This is by design.


Include a table of settings and setting descriptions

Name Description
discourse_homepage_filter_groups The groups that a topic starter should belong to in order for their topics to be shown on the Home page

By default this is set to TL2 but you could for instance also use it to only show topics made by Staff members on the home page of your forum.


For more context:

In our particular case, we’ve noticed new users don’t adhere to the style/rules of our site, which caused our front page to look very unprofessional, thus (most likely) stopping casual guests or organic clicks from registering. We’ve set the home page topics to TL2 users and above, and it cleaned up 90% of our listings. Everything else is in /latest. Our users asked for this, and our users love it :smiley: It also places more weight on trust levels, particularly in our case (a marketplace) where everyone wants to be on the front page.