How about an easier way to determine version of Discourse by end user

So is this topic open to PR or is still under discussion?

I think is always nice to have an easy way to see version. Even if you are expert and you know how to find the version in the code, is way easier and faster to find it somewhere in the frontend browser.

That’s why i’m bit concern about hidden route. How people will know that /version even exists?
Personally i think if you want to give this information to the end user it should be more or less visible, like in the about page or in the footer or as tab…
Otherwise going to a hidden, non-discoverable route is more or less the same as look for this info in the view source: something that just developers would do.


It seems like we’re not yet in agreement on whether or not this feature should exist - let alone how it should work - so it’s not pr-friendly quite yet.

@sam Instead of a hidden route, how about a trust-level limitation? We’d include a link to /version on the /about page, but by default the link would only be visible (and the page readable) to TL1 and higher. Keeps it out of reach from the script kiddies, but easily accessible to ordinary users.

I don’t think @codinghorror would be happy about that, this is not information tl1,2,3 normally need.

That said I am perfectly happy to add version info to as this page is specifically geared at the problem of “bad versions of stuff”