Hey. Hey,
I run a larger technology-focused online magazine, https://www.svetandroida.cz/, and we’ve tried in the past to bring several community options (notifications, user reviews, karma, etc) to our users. But WordPress doesn’t natively support these features, and third-party solutions always run into problems after a while.
That’s why we decided to leave WordPress purely for the magazine feature, which will just display content. As quickly and cleanly as possible. And completely move all the community stuff for users to Discourse, which handles this job much better.
This setup seems absolutely ideal to me. But we’ve been running the magazine for about 13 years, and in that time we’ve had hundreds of thousands of comments and tens of thousands of registered users. I’d like to hear your thoughts on how to make the Discourse integration the most elegant and, from the users’ point of view, the most effective?
- The magazine on WordPress runs at https://www.svetandroida.cz/
- We run the Discourse community here https://komunita.svetandroida.cz/
- we want to use Discourse to manage user accounts, we find it better
- we publish about 5 to 15 articles every day
- we have tens of thousands of articles (and we’ve already deleted a lot of them
- actively commenting, there are tens to small hundreds of users
- We have the WordPrees plugin for Discouse set up and everything seems to work fine, the only thing we haven’t set up yet is SSO
- articles we publish on WordPRess magazine are automatically published to Discourse as hidden
What do I need to address and how do I address it? Can you think of a better solution?
User login
Using WordPress plugins, I’ll set up the DiscourseConnect Client and hope it doesn’t break or block access for my editors :). I hope not. Just kidding, but it’s true that this is about the only place that even after carefully reading the discussions, I’m still not 100% clear.
I’ll hope that if a user wants to log in to the WordPress magazine site (they already have a WordPress account), an account will automatically be created for them in Discourse as well.
If by chance that doesn’t happen, it’s probably OK for me to ask those few dozen users to forget their existing WordPress user accounts and create new ones in Discourse
Comments on the topic of articles
Currently, I haven’t found any elegant way to transfer our users’ comments that are already published in WordPress to the newly launched Discourse. If I am wrong, please direct me.
Therefore, already published comments will remain in WordPress and any new ones will already be published to Discourse.
We will not be transferring comments published to Discourse back under WordPress articles, but will only place a link under each WordPress article that will link to Discourse (for that particular Discourse article).
The way we currently have it, all published articles are carried over to Discourse as hidden and only become visible when someone adds a new comment to it in Discourse. This solution is not bad, but in our case it means that I as admin will see thousands of hidden threads in Discourse :(.
Isn’t there some more elegant way to solve this? For example, that a WordPress article will not be transferred to Discourse as hidden after publishing, but a Discourse thread will be created only when someone clicks on the link below the WordPress article and adds a comment?
That way there wouldn’t be thousands of invisible threads on the forum.
And if it were to be absolutely perfect, then via a “magic link” from WordPress, the Discourse thread would only be created temporarily, and if by chance a comment wasn’t added and the user changed their mind/left, the thread would be deleted after some time.
Thanks for reading this far (I’m sending an AI picture as a reward) and I look forward to your ideas and insights.